Sometimes as moms, we are tried in the court of public opinion! We are judged by our kids when we decide they need a break from Roblox.
We’re judged when the 2-year-old decides she wants to run barefoot around Target!
Sometimes, we are even judged by our in-laws for….well.…EVERYTHING (ouch)!!
And guess what else?
We judge ourselves too harshly.
Here’s what you’ve been charged with:
Putting Others Before Yourself- Caring for and raising children is a SELFLESS act. You spend your day catering to the needs of your children and others. Don’t forget to practice self-care.
Trying To Be Superwoman- It is perfectly acceptable to say, “NO”. You don’t have to do it all! Even if you say “no”, here’s a secret: YOU ARE STILL A HERO and even heroes need rest!
Forgetting to Give Yourself Grace- You are so kind and forgiving of others! Why can’t you forgive yourself for mistakes you may had made? Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve had a “crappy mom moment”. So what!? If your children are safe, you are doing just fine!
Loving Hard- Boy can kids hurt your feelings! They are the first to point out how much weight you’ve gained. Why did they announce in class that you have a mustache? Despite their big mouths, their innocent (but brutal) honesty, and their tendency to overshare, you love them from the depths of your soul!